Florence: A Valley of Flowers, Art and Achitecture

A celebration of the hidden gems of Florence…

Florence-A Valley of Flowers, Art and Architecture

Florence-a valley of Flowers

A friend had once remarked that visiting Florence is like the beginning of a love story. With every rendezvous it only makes you go back for more. Called ‘Firenze’ in Italian, meaning ‘a valley of fowers’, art in Florence truly blooms with an unmatched beauty, charm and grace. The art and architecture of Florence,though cultivated by man, falls nothing short of achieving a divine status.

Florence is where art comes alive in streets and piazza’s as you walk through them. History seems to have frozen time itself in the centuries old works of architecture in Florence which still adorn the city in all its nooks and crannies.

The Maestros of Florence Art and Architecture

Apart from being the Cradle of Renaissance, Florence also proudly flaunts the crown for being the capital of the mesmerizing Tuscany region of Italy. Being shaped by some of the Renaissance stalwarts like Michelangelo, Botticelli, Dante and Boccaccio, the art of Florence offers a spectator the golden opportunity to see iconic works that traced the city’s evolution from being a medieval town to a cultural powerhouse. 

Florence, on one hand is home to timeless masterpieces of art while on the other, is also a hidden haven for several little-known architectural wonders.

The warm hue of the Tuscan sunsets sets the culturally rich undertone of the city. However, some of the jewels in the crown of Florence that contribute to the unyielding spirit of the city are: – 

  • The bronze Porcellino that promotes the folklore involving the animal imageries
  • The Pontevecchio which in reality was a secret passageway for the Medicis
  • The awe inspiring sculptures like Michaelangelo’s David
hidden gems of Florence
The Statue of David in Florence,Italy

The Statue of David

Florence Porcellino The Tale of a Wild Boar, a Frog & Renaissance

Florence Porcellino

The Bridge of Pontevecchio in Florence

The Bridge of Pontevecchio